and continues to do so, their centre having taken some losses to good Yorkist archer and handgun fire from Edward's missile troops
Edward then counter-attacks Exeter's battle, while Lancastrian centre is still waiting for Oxford to join in from their right
Hastings dissolves under the pressure.. utimately failing a Battle Morale Test
and Oxford fails Pursuit & Plunder test, so also leaves the table .. but he will be back .. maybe ..
Meanwhile the fight gets ugly in the centre with Edward holding off 2 Lancastrian battles. "Where is Gloucester?" I hear David ask....
"Oh, there he is ..." <sigh>
A change in fortune and York gets some serious movement. Will Gloucester be able to arrive in time to save Edward? - who has 1 melee company left (blue/green die) and is trying to practice Social Distancing with some degree of success .. actually he's picking off archer units in his travels ..
Gloucester's battle fights on, but is equally matched .. and Edward and his weakened company are still alone... apart from archer-bashing ..
Then Oxford returns from his journeyings, and arrives on the flank of Gloucester and Exeter. Identity Confusion tests follow. Does Exeter think Oxford is the enemy and have to take a Battle Morale Test? [No] Now it's Gloucester's turn .. does he think Oxford is a friendly reinforcement so he won't fight him .. until he finds out differently [YES].